Own philosophy
The philosophy of The Heart of Mary School lays in helping families provide integrated, complete and quality education inspired by the Gospel values and a Christian concept of the man, life and world.
Education is understood by our Organization as a universal right and, in that sense, the centre defines its role as a school open to all, which is committed to an integrative formation based on the principle of respect to each child’s individuality. It also promotes freedom, justice, solidarity and peace as values that enrich the educational action.
In addition, and considering the harmonious and complete development of the person as a unique and unrepeatable human being, The Heart of Mary School philosophy and targets are to forge determined people, consistent with their principles, responsible and able to autonomously face the arising challenges. Creative and innovative persons, committed to their surrounding environment to dynamically contribute to creating a better society.
When the parents, teachers and students join our School, they freely accept our OWN PHILOSOPHY and devote themselves to fulfil it, each from their position in the educational community.
The educational Community
The Titular Holder, Teachers, Parents, Students and Non-teaching staff constitute the educational Community of The Heart of Mary School, a Community that must live the great task of educating and being educated in a responsible and exciting way.
Titular Holder
The Congregation of the Missionary Daughters of The Heart of Mary is responsible for claiming and keeping the principles that define the type of education provided. Likewise, it recognizes the governing body of the School the power conferred by the legal provisions while respecting the OWN PHILOSOPHY established here.
Teachers complete the educational experience of the children’s parents through their teaching activity and educational relationship, helping the children develop their personality. Besides, they commit themselves to constituting the Educational Community, trying to give a real image of a Christian educator by their attitude and testimony, acquiring pedagogical competence and progressive updating. When the teachers are taken on, the OWN PHILOSOPHY of the School should be taken into account.
Students’ parents
The Centre cannot perform its own purposes without coming in permanent contact with the students’ parents. This communication gives fecundity and coherence to educational work and contributes to a higher level of quality in complete training. The parents, who should be aware of their responsibility, must create an environment in the family that ensures integral formation.
Each student becomes the main actor of his/her training by:
Developing and educating their intelligence and qualities.
The sincere and authentic dialogue with educators and workmates.
The progressive and responsible participation in school life, in proportion to age and capacity.
Non-teaching staff
Non-teaching staff severally contribute to the School progress and commit themselves to educational activity by sharing ideas, eagerness and work, each according to their respective duties.
Key aspects of our educational action
The global pedagogical line of our School estimates the student as the main actor of all the educational and training activity and it is recommended:
Encouraging the intellectual, volitional, emotional, aesthetical and physical aspects of human personality in a harmonious, gradual and an age-adjusted manner
Putting into practice a personalised pedagogy that takes into account each student, as he/she is and is adapted to his/her characteristics
Following an active pedagogy that promotes effort, creativity and personal search for truths.
Guiding to leisure and its use by enhancing cultural and sport activity, …
Fostering teamwork and, and, through it, cooperation and solidarity
Our participation model
We promote collaboration among all members of the Educational Community, according to their own capacities and competences to be mutually enriched, always according to the main objective of the School: the promotion of the student’s integral development according to the School OWN PHILOSOPHY. Responsible collaboration should be considered as a duty for all members of the Educational Community depending on everyone’s situation and responsibility. Our School organization is carried out according to the current legislation and the management model that best guarantees a response to School needs. The School Council is the highest representative collective body of the Educational Community. Its effective functioning is based on competence, availability, responsibility, dialogue and commitment of each and every one of its members.